Collaborate with contractors or teammates without friction. Magic Translate lets you chat in your native language and have your messages automatically show up in everyone’s own language.

<aside> 💡 Magic Translate is a beta feature for Pro users. We make sure that the core messaging always works. Expect bugs in edge cases just in the translation part — we will always deliver raw messages so you can manually retry.


Here’s an overview of steps required for inviting your freelancer:

  1. Create a thread
  2. Invite as guest in the thread by entering their email
  3. Enable translation

Create thread

If you already have a thread, skip this step.

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Press + from the sidebar.

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Enter a title. Optionally, make it private to limit which teammates also has access. Note this isn’t where you invite a guest.

Add guest

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Press “Add Guest Member” from the ••• menu.

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Enter an email to create an invite for them.

They will only have access to this one thread and direct message with other members.

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You should see a new participant avatar show up.

Enable translation

After you enable translation, incoming messages will be translated into your selected language in realtime.